Vace Zela
Vaçe Zela was a highly influential and beloved singer in Albania and the surrounding regions. She is considered one of the most important musical figures of the 20th century in these areas.
She was a symbol of the Albanian culture and was seen by many as a national pride. Her music was often used to strengthen the Albanian identity.
Vaçe Zela won multiple times at the Festivali i Këngës, one of the most important music competitions in Albania.
Circa. '70 / '80: Vace Zela - Naten vone

Dhurata Dora & Elvana Gjata
Dhurata Dora and Elvana Gjata have made a significant impact on the Albanian music industry with their powerful vocals and catchy melodies. Their music is a mixture of pop and traditional Albanian music, this is why their style of music fits for a wide audience.
Dhurata Dora is a talented singer and songwriter with an powerfull voice and she can easily switch between different types of music.
Elvana Gjata is one of the most popular singers in Albania and she always knows how to put on a great show.
In the past years, they made a lot of music together. "Gajde" is one of the several hits what they make. Their music is not only in Albania, but also on the other countries of the Balkan very popular.
Dhurata Dora
Elvana Gjata
2022: Dhurata Dora x Elvana Gjata - Gajde

Ylli Baka
Ylli Baka is originally from Tepelena, a small village in Albania. He's one of the most loved voices and one of the most popular names in Albanian pop music. Besides being called the "Grandmaster," Ylli Baka is considered as an "honorary citizen" of Memaliaj.
During the winterseason, he gives concerts, mostly abroad in Europe, America, and Australia. During the summer, he works more in Albania.
2012: Ylli Baka - Vallja e Hajduteve